Rosto Solidário Campaign in Gala Desporto
On 12th April, in Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal) Rosto Solidário launched the CORPLAY Pilot Campaign, an awareness raising campaign called What’s bugging you?.

The event took place during the Annual Sports Gala [see CORPLAY Campaign presentation at 1’01’’] in a close partnership with the Municipality. The Gala gathers together the key local, regional and national sports and education stakeholders and authorities to acknowledge the achievements within different types of sports throughout 2018.

The Campaign What bugging you? consists of a set of seven “bugs” and a poster. On one hand, each “bug” represents metaphorically a type of discrimination that can lead to radicalization, such as: Gender discrimination, Discrimination based on political affiliation and ideology, Ethnic Discrimination, Racial Discrimination, Religion and belief discrimination, Disability discrimination, Social-class discrimination.  On the other hand, the poster brings together all seven bugs and dares people to question perception, unable triggers of prejudice and challenge the drivers of discrimination.

The campaign is based on the findings of the analysis of Stories of Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization collected in Bulgaria, Italy, Greece and Portugal in the end of 2018.

what’s bugging you – the CORPLAY Campaign